Monday, February 22, 2010

100 Pipers Scotch Whisky

Critical Assessment Course

(network of teachers and researchers) is organizing a


Nec Esito of


We want to work with students and teachers, associations and networks of the Faculty.

Therefore, I invite everyone to a meeting sa presentation of the research, definition and division of tasks next Thursday February 25 at 1:00 p.m. in room 208 of the Faculty.


hope to see you there

Regards, Carolina Bescansa

Galván Pablo Iglesias Errejón Turrión
Ariel Jerez Novara
Miguel Angel Martínez
Juan Carlos Monedero Pablo Sánchez León

Friday, February 5, 2010

Everyday Hilarious Sayings

University Political Theatre: History and Practice Course

The course will explore the fundamentals of political theater as a theater work system that produces ideas, images and representations relating to the structures and dynamics of power. Until the twentieth century the theater did not incorporate the elements necessary for the development of a theoretical discourse on the political theater (the antagonistic processes). From "political theater" of Piscator, and parallel to Brecht attempts to establish a non-Aristotelian drama, dialectical and critical, this way of understanding and practicing the theater was enriched by the contributions of Peter Weiss (paper theater) Augusto Boal (Theatre of the Oppressed) and various groups (the theater of agit-prop.) In the course examines the elements of the discourse of both political theater from concept through theoretical and practice.

The course includes preparation and staging a political drama (at least fifty percent of the work will be practical work through testing and acting technique)

5 free credits

ALL INFORMATION: http://teatropolitico2010 . /

The classes will be given by Cesar de Vicente Hernando, coordinator of the Documentation Centre Review, associate editor of the journal ADE-Teatro and member of the Konkret. Cesar de Vicente was the teacher of Theatre Studies at the University of Alcalá de Henares and Professor of Aesthetics and Sociology of Art at the Art School the CCOO. He holds a PhD in English Philology Autonomous University of Madrid (2004) degree in Philosophy from the same university. Participated in the founding of the Drama Group Alcores / Alcores Production Unit in Madrid (1990-1991) and Erwin Piscator Theatre in Madrid (1990-1991). His credits as director include Teresa scene Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" (1986), Misunderstanding by Albert Camus (1987) The secret of Ramón J. Sender (1989), Song of the Lusitanian puppet of Peter Weiss (1992), part teaching of Baden on the agreement of Bertolt Brecht (1997), We, children of Anders Günther Eichmann (2005), The Cradle Will Rock / The power wobble of Marc Blitzstein (2005) o invaders Egon Wolf (2008). He has authored numerous articles on theater in magazines such as Anthropos (Barcelona) lyrics Peninsular (USA), Chimera (Barcelona), Alcores (Madrid), Riff-Raff (Zaragoza), Ade-Teatro (Madrid) and editor, among other works, of Erwin Piscator Political theater, Hondarribia, Hiru, 2001 and intervention VVAA Theatre, Hondarribia, Hiru, 2006.

academic coordination of the course will take place Turrión Pablo Iglesias, a professor of political science at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he teaches political geography and political cinema. After graduating in Law (2001) and Political Science (2004, winner Extraordinary) doctorate with a thesis on global social movements (2008). He has also done graduate courses in the humanities at the University Carlos III of Madrid, specializing in cultural studies and philosophy of the media at the European Graduate School (Switzerland).


know the main lines of theatrical work that have laid the foundations of political theater. Know and understand the different elements of the discourse of political theater. Being able to recognize, appreciate and critique the aesthetic and ideological expressions that make up the political theater.

1. Political Theater Background

2. The Theatre of Propaganda and Agitation

political theater as a concept

4. The issue of political theater. The constitutional process
5. The breakdown of political theater: the theater criticism constituted

6. The theater refuncionalización

7. The aesthetic work in Political Theater:

* a) The dramatic writing
* b) The interpretation
* c) The staging

8. Policy-oriented theaters

9. Attempts on a theater antagonist

10. Program teaching to develop a
Political Theater
11. Theatre as a laboratory of social imagination

12. Analysis of the puppet Canto Lusita
year of Peter Weiss

13. Analysis of the educational part of Baden on the agreement of Bertolt Brecht

14. Staging of a play


Augusto Boal .- Game for actors and not actors, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlba, 2002

_____________ .- The rainbow of desire, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlba, 2004
.- The teatrodel oppressed, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlba, 2004 Bertolt Brecht .-

Writings theater Buenos Aires, Nueva Visión, 1970, 3 vv. Federico

Irazábal .- The policy shift, Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2004

Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe Hegemony and Socialist Strategy .-, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI

, 2006

_____________ .- On Populist Reason, Buenos Aires , FCE, 2005
.- MÜLLER Heiner Theatre
chosen, Madrid, First Act, 2002

______________ Germania Death in Berlin .-, Hondarribia, Hiru, 1996

Erwin Piscator .- The political theater, Hondarribia, Hiru, 2001
POSADA Francisco
.- Lukacs, Brecht and the current situation of socialist realism.

Buenos Aires, Galerna, 1969. Peter WEISS

.- "The theater Document" on political writings, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLumen, 1976 -----------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- - Collaborate

: AU counter, The Advocate Network (teachers) and Konkret (a collective of political theater)

Duration: 60 hours

Dates: Tuesdays from 16 February until June 8 from 17 to

20 hours at: Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the UCM

Places: 30

Registration fee: 120 euros

Term: Up to exhaust the places

To enroll must go to the General Foundation of the UCM C / Donoso Cortés, 65. 5 th floor (Training). 28015 Madrid. Metro: L6, L3 Moncloa L7 Philippines Hours: MF 9 to 14 h. Tel: 913946392 / 913946410 Fax: 913946405 / 913946411. The tuition payment is made by payment in cash or bank transfer to the General Foundation of the UCM in the following account of Caja de Madrid 2038 1735 95 6000402225. Please telephone to confirm the availability of places before making payment.

The documentation to be attached at the time of registration is:

registration application form:

Copy of bank transfer
copy of the registration
UCM 2009-2010 (UCM students only interested in free credits)

Deliver all the previous documentation or faxed to the General Foundation.


Monday, February 1, 2010

H0w Much Does It Cost To Change Your Name

Political cinema

The course will explore the concept of political cinema and to explore its most important in film globally and in the specific case of English political cinema.

The course will also feature the participation of professionals the film world (directors, actors and producers)
Earrings: Juan Diego Botto. Alberto San Juan, Luis Tosar, Jaume Roures, Icíar Bollaín, Fernando Leon de Aranoa.



• The Soviet revolutionary cinema. Analysis of "Battleship Potemkin" SM Eisenstein.

• cinema during the fascism (propaganda and resistance). Analysis of "Roma città aperta" by Roberto Rossellini.

• Film and Geopolitics of the Cold War. James Bond and geopolitical imaginary.

• Cinema Cuban. Analysis of "Memories of underdevelopment" by Tomas Gutierrez Alea.

• Cinema against dictatorship. Analysis of "Z" by Costa-Gavras.


• The Republic and the Civil War. Analysis of "The Hurdes. Land Without Bread "by Luis Buñuel and" L'Spoir "André Malraux and Max Aub.

• The Franco and Franco. Analysis of "Race" by José Luis Sáenz de Heredia and "The Hunt" by Carlos Saura.

• Transition. Analysis of "Seven Days in January" by John Antonio Bardem.

• Political issues in English for Democracy. Film and national identity. Film and imprisonment. Film and migration. Film and historical memory. Analysis of several films of the past 30 years. Teacher

Director and Coordinator: Pablo Iglesias

Turrión is Professor of Political Science at the Complutense University, which obtained a doctorate in 2008 with a thesis on the forms of collective action of the movements against economic globalization. After graduating in Law (2001) and Political Science (2004, with honors) was visiting researcher at several universities in Latin America Europe and the U.S.. He has also undertaken courses in the specialty film cultural studies graduate program in humanities at the University Carlos III of Madrid, shorts courses at the School of Arts and philosophy of the media at the European Graduate School (Switzerland) where has been a student of film directors like Elia Suleiman, or the Brothers Quay and cultural theorists such as Michael Shapiro, Jacques Rancière and Slavoj Zizek, among others. Curriculum vitae in

Guest Teachers:

Carou Heriberto Cairo is a professor of political science at the Universidad Complutense. He studied Political Science and Sociology at the same University, his doctorate with a thesis on the territorial dispute between Argentina and Britain that led to the Falklands War. Specializes in geopolitical and military conflicts, areas of interest also include Latin American studies. In addition to coordinating the Master of Latin American Studies, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Geography directs the collection of critical editorial Trotta. Among his most notable books, it is noted "Elements for a critical geopolitics of war and peace: the social construction of territorial dispute between Argentina and Britain" (2002) or "Geopolitics, war and resistance" (2006) [Together with Pastor Jaime].

Pablo Sánchez León is a historian, professor of history of thought and social and political movements in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University. It takes years devoted to research at the intersection between History and Social Sciences and Humanities in English and foreign. In his research career has been drifting toward the last stages alternating work and publications on medieval history, modern history (Absolutism and community. The social origins of the war of the farmers of Castile) and contemporary history of Spain in Comparative Perspective. He is coauthor of the book with Jesus Izquierdo War we have been told. 1936 and we (Madrid, 2006), historian and in 2008 she coordinated the collective volume The End of historians. Think historically in the XXI century. XXI Century has also published Absolutism and community. Daniel A.

Verdú Schumann is Professor of Film History at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He holds a degree in Fine Arts with Honours Degree from the University Complutense of Madrid (1996), BA in Geography and History from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (1999), Master of Arts (MA) in Literature Studies Latin American Culture and the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), University of London (1998), and Doctor of Philosophy also from UNED (2004). He has made short research stay at the Freie Universität Berlin (2000 and 2005), Università di Roma 1 "La Sapienza" (2001) and the University of Potsdam (2005). He has also taught at the Universität Paderborn (2009). He has collaborated with the Public Journal writing about film, is also developing work in BFI. His interests are in art criticism and contemporary art and cinema, especially in relation to ideology and the contributions of postmodern thought. Currently participates in the Film and Geography: the implications between film productions and geographical area in Spain (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). A complete list of his works can be seen in

Montserrat Iglesias Santos is Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University Carlos III of Madrid, where he also holds the position of Vice Chancellor for Communication, Culture and Sport and University Extension. Currently between its research highlights the emphasis on theory and feminist critique, addressing issues such as the analysis of different cultural practices involved in the symbolic and social construction of sex differences, relations between sex, gender and writing, or the construction of gender through film and literature as cultural practices. Has also made contributions on processes of collective memory through literature and film, as a means of repairing the damage and violence. Since 2005 he directed a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science on the construction of the image of the Other and immigration in film and contemporary English literature. In October 1998 he began his collaboration with various media as host of the culture TE +, Canal +. From 2001 to 2004 presented the cultural program Telemadrid, the five senses of culture, being awarded the Silver Antenna by the Association of Radio and Television professionals from Madrid. He has been collaborator of the magazine Cinemania.

free credits: 4 or 5

"Date: 17 sessions on Wednesdays from 24 February to 16 June from 17 to 20 hours.

'Course duration (hours): 51 hours

"Venue: Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the UCM

No. Capacity: 40

"Amount: $ 100

" Deadline: to deplete
To enroll you must go to the General Foundation of the UCM C / Donoso Cortés, 65. 5 th floor (Training). 28015 Madrid. Metro: L6, L3 Moncloa L7 Philippines Hours: MF 9 to 14 h. Tel: 913946392 / 913946410 Fax: 913946405 / 913946411. The tuition payment is made by payment in cash or bank transfer to the General Foundation of the UCM in the following account of Caja de Madrid 2038 1735 95 6000402225. Please telephone to confirm the availability of places before making payment.

Collaborators: AU counter, The Advocate Network (teachers) and CEPS Foundation

The documentation to be attached at the time of registration is:

registration application form

Copy of bank transfer

Copy 2009-2010 enrollment UCM (UCM students only interested in free credits)

Deliver all the previous documentation or faxed to the General Foundation.