Monday, March 29, 2010

Wording Invitations To Pay For Your Own Meal

to think the crisis feminist


Images to think the crisis

(Education, documentary film and citizenship)

This seminar is a continuation to that developed in February 2007 (Education, Documentary Film and citizenship) , where he introduced Euro-Latin American Network Citizen Communication (RECC). In this case, we try to analyze the questions that the scenario of crisis (in its many facets: social, environmental, urban, economic, etc ....) Launches the relationship between communication and education and what kind of responses are being implemented within the framework of social and academic thinking.

This edition will address the possibilities of social and political documentaries such as cognitive resources to address transdisciplinary way in the social sciences different problem processes derived from int ensificación a crisis situation uncertain journey. Paying attention to the growing centrality of mediation processes in the construction-deconstruction of narrative and social imagination, as key elements for understanding the multiple dimensions of the crisis and the alternatives that are being implemented against them.

Following the line of work of the RECC educommunicative work in terms with the social documentary film (mainly Latin American and English) will be one of the cornerstones of work. Appearing in some of the work sessions the resources developed by the team at the RECC , and the collection of documentary films initiated by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), attempts to strengthen transdisciplinary reflection orientation to innovative teaching, undoubtedly the key to implement in the field of university education in the context of implementation of European funds is the need to organize content and skills systematically.

Dates: 12 to 14 April 2010. 50 seats

Teacher of the activity: Ariel Jerez. UCM and RECC, Tomas Rodriguez Villasante. UCM, Pablo Iglesias Turrión. UCM, Susana Sel. UBA, Maria Luisa Ortega. UAM, Carlos Taibo. UAM, Yayo Herrero. CCEIM-FGUCM, Alfredo Ramos. Garua S. Coop. Mad and RECC, Jaume Roures. MEDIAPRO, Emilio Silva. ARMH.

Coordinators: Ariel Jerez (UCM) and Alfredo Ramos (UCM)

Registration: Send registration form to Ariel Jerez: arieljerez @ cps . and Alfredo Ramos:

Registration fee: Free .

Registration Form: ~ pablo / papers / ficha_seminario_documentales.doc

2 free credits (pending recognition)

Organizers: voice network, Euro-Latin American Network of Citizens Communications, The Advocate.

Some of the topics: Building images, imaginary construction. Thinking the crisis from the media and educational documentaries. Social movements and political communication. Documentary practices, social knowledge and social science education. Educommunicative resources and alternatives to the ecological crisis. Fiction and documentary: new strategies in building participatory processes. Communication and Power. Documentary, memory and human rights.

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program and detailed schedule


Afternoon: 16:00 to 16:30 Presentation of the Conference .

Ariel Jerez. Political science professor Complutense University of Madrid. Member of the Foundation Contaminate , promoter Euro-Latin American Network of Citizens Communications (RECC) and coordinator of the "Documentary to understand globalization."

Alfredo Ramos: PhD in Faculty of Political Science, member of Garoua S. Coop. Mad., promoter Euro-Latin American Network of Citizens Communications (RECC) and coordinator of the "Documentary to understand globalization."

16:30 to 18:15: Panel: Building images, imaginary construction. Thinking the crisis from the media education and documentaries .

Presentation of the table. Ariel Jerez (moderator).

Social Movements and Political Communication. new cognitive maps.

Susana Sel: Coordinator of the Working Party Mediated Communication, Informational Capitalism and Public Policy "American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO.

documentary practices, social knowledge and social science education.

Maria Luisa Ortega: Ph.D. in Film History. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Debate with the public.

18:15 to 18:30. Rest.

Workshop I. educommunicative Resources and innovations in documentary production.

18:30 to 20:00

In this first workshop will discuss on the issues raised in the roundtable and presentation of the conference using as test materials selected productions in the First Latin American Competition Documentary "Other Viewpoints. Experiences of self-organization and social struggles in Latin America "organized by CLACSO and axes working group's recent" Mediated Communication, Informational Capitalism and Public Policy "of that organization.


Tomorrow 10:30 to 14:30.

Roundtable: Crisis decrease environmental proposals

10:30 to 10:45: Presentation of the round table. Alfredo Ramos (Moderator)

10:45 to 11:15

A breakdown of the dominant imaginary. The proposed decrease.

Carlos Taibo, Professor of Political Science at the University Autónoma de Madrid. Author of In Defense of decline: Capitalism, Crisis and Barbarism and Its Crisis and ours: A pamphlet on decline, tragedy and farce, Editorial Cataract.


New ways of thinking about the relationship between society and environment: Ecofeminism and decline.

Herrero Yayo: Knowledge Area Coordinator Outreach Network and the Centre for Studies and Complutense Environmental Information System (CCEIM), and a member of Garoua S. Coop. Mad.

11:45 to 12:15

public debate

12:15 to 12:30. Rest.

Workshop Work II: educommunicative Resources and alternatives to the ecological crisis.

12:30 to 14:30

energized by the team of the RECC in this workshop will present the materials developed by the team within the axis creating alternatives to the ecological crisis "as a basis for discussing the relationship between educommunicative strategies and themes raised in the discussion table.

Afternoon: 16:30 to 20:30

Roundtable: Democracy and citizen participation

16:30 to 16:45: Presentation of the round table. Ariel Jerez (moderator)

16:45 to 17:15

What we imagine when we talk about participatory democracy?

Tomas Rodríguez Villasante: Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science (UCM), director of the Centre PEAKS. Advisor to numerous public participation experiences in Spain and Latin America.

17:15 to 17:45

fiction and documentary. New strategies in the construction of participatory processes.

Alfredo Ramos, Coordinator of the working group "image as a communication tool and participatory International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (OIDP).

17:45 to 18:15. Public debate

18:15 to 18:30.


Workshop III: Resources educommunicative and new democracies.

18:30 to 20:30

energized by the team of the RECC in this workshop will present the materials developed by the team within the axis movements , citizenship and participatory democracy "as a basis for discussing the relationship between educommunicative strategies and themes raised in the discussion table.


Morning: 10:30-14:30

Roundtable: Communication and Power

10:30 to 10:45. Presentation of the table. Alfredo Ramos (chair).

10:45 to 11:15

Public policies, disputes and alternative communication.

Susana Sel: Coordinator of the Working Party Mediated Communication, Informational Capitalism and Public Policy "American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO.

11:15 to 11:45

New public areas, innovations in audiovisual production and the democratization of communication.

Ariel Jerez: Professor of Political Science Complutense University of Madrid.

11:45 to 12:15. Public debate.

12:15 to 12:30 Break

Workshop IV: educommunicative Resources for media analysis areas.

12:30 to 14:30

energized by the team of the RECC in this workshop will present the materials developed by the team within the axis areas democratization of media and communication " as a basis for discussing the relationship between educommunicative strategies and themes raised in the discussion table.


Afternoon: 17:00 - 20:00 [Intersection with the course of political cinema ]

Roundtable and projection. Memories transition and human rights

Presentation of the table. Pablo Iglesias (moderator)


Emilio Silva, sociologist, journalist and founder of the Association by Recovery of Historical Memory .

Jaume Roures: Entrepreneur of the communications and film producer.

MEDIAPRO President

The projection

permanent revolta; of Danish Lluís Llach Lluís

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Osmosis And Diffusion Carolina Lab




TUESDAY, March 23
Boardroom (3rd floor). 12.30
Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

Presentation: Cristina Vega

Professor Department of Sociology I, Feminist Research Institute UCM

Amaia Orozco spoke

Economist, UN-INSTRAW

Magdalena Diaz
Professor of Political Science and Sociology Department, UC3M

Area Domestic Territory intervention for the rights of the employees of Arantxa
migrants home
Legal Advice Service of the Bar Association of Madrid

PROMOTES: The Developer Network (research professor @ s @ se)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reptile Vs Mammal Respiration At Low Temperature


By Gilda Matos

"The color, which itself is a material that holds endless possibilities counterpoint, create, together with drawing, painting great counterpoint to the painting comes to a composition that as a truly pure Art, will serve the divine. In these dizzying heights always takes the same infallible guide: the principle of inner necessity. " Wassily Kandinsky

The watercolor has been converted into an expressive metaphor that has led the way in the life of artist Octavio Paniagua. Water, transparency, color and stains have formed the path of his visual poetry so versatile, tough and intense as his life in art.

From the 70, having completed his studies at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes emerged as experienced watercolor painter, starting his first public presentation of works in watercolor. The foray into this technique would take on roads that now boast the visual arts scene Dominican, his works are in major museums and collections around the world: Museum of Watercolor in Mexico, Art Alliance of New York, Museum of Graphic Novosibirk (Russia) and his paintings are in private collections in Sweden, Italy and Portugal.

The life and work of painter mixing colors, lines, blotches of watercolor. Each stage of personal development is highlighted in the thematic variety of his paintings.

social issues, children's erotic cultural form the pictorial universe of Paniagua. With its layers of watercolor, we communicated in images of urban landscapes, seascapes, prints and characters from different social strata an authentic view of life, of things and above all its sense of modernity in the implementation of the technique, not seeking estheticians effects of well done, how well done, but to reveal what is not of things and being, making their strokes in the texture that gives meaning to his art, conveying the feeling, the ideas and concepts. CHARACTERS

Among the most recurrent in his pictorial discourse are classical musicians and popular women in the sensual, erotic, maternal and mythical, the child or young person in the marginalization and poverty. His characters are brand dramatically, it is a defining gesture in the visual composition, with them spread the soul and the thought of players in the cultural world as in the character of the painting "The streak of experience" which reveals the wisdom maturity, age and time in one person.

The artist manages to express the different applications of watercolor, either wet on wet, dripping, or transitions between colors, a visual effects that make thematic content, especially the feeling of the moment, it's greatness communicate the cityscape, marine, cock fight, outbreaks of violence without being naturalistic only with the action almost gestural brush, water and color. THE TREND PICTORIAL

The artist has covered almost all the trends in his work represented in the painting, impressionism, realism, symbolism, expressionism and abstraction has been the ways to get to open a dialogue with the viewer of his paintings the intention of reaching the depths and awaken the reader's heartstrings of his works. Still

be skilled in many artistic trends raid, is in the abstract expressionist and where impact strength and creativity. Her abstract watercolors reveal a great development of intuition and ideas in content creation and visual forms that can reveal multiple meanings, cultural connections, and above all the free play of the imagination of the viewer.

His watercolors are based on abstract brushstrokes, smudges, rhythmic sense of form, color contrasts, and a nice chaotic universe harmonization of the forms look trapped in a thrilling, interferes, disturbs and delights the recipient.


In compliance with the maximum of Sigmund Fred "The stimuli that originate inside the body and reach the soul" was in the nineties his watercolors became carnal, lustful. This was the boiling stage of magical eroticism, pleasure, sensuality in the painter's life.

This time I devoted to criticism as a fine watercolorist Dominican because in its erotic themes guided the brush with feeling, inner strength to the image of woman as the protagonist of his idyllic longing, passion and human drama. Action
understandable to youth stage full of momentum, which together with the uninhibited creative and technical care that led to the creation of aesthetically pleasing works in the field erotic. CURRENT STAGE

After an intense life in his artistic work, after have performed 16 solo exhibitions, participated in over one hundred group, reached nine prizes in major competitions, acquires a new consciousness of life.

The painter begins a spiritual quest when in January 2008 says, "marks the beginning of a relationship that was cut short when I put my eyes on the man, who else is so flawed and a sinner like me.." Octavio Paniagua reunited Road Wassily Kandinsky the principle of art as an inner necessity: "In general, color is a means to exert an influence on the soul. Color is the key .... The artist is the hand for this or that key, properly vibrate the soul. "

Now, as always, the color of the watercolor is accompanied by his new path.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Desmume Soul Silver Open

violence in the recent history of Peru . Presentation of the comic Rupay

Shining Path: The violence in the recent history of Peru. Presentation of the comic

Presents: Pablo Iglesias Turrión (Professor Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the UCM)

Omar de León (Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the UCM)
Alfonso Serrano (Editorial sheep red)
Jesus Espasandín Foundation (CEPS)
Víctor Peralta (Researcher, CSIC)

The authors of the comic answer, from Peru, questions from the audience via video.

Tuesday 23 March at 13:00 in the lounge of degrees of the Faculty of CCPP and Sociology.

Organizers: Foundation and publisher CEPS Sheep Red
Collaboration: The Developer Network (teachers) and counter (Students Association).

More information:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Free Male Masterbation Tech

Workshop Part Two::: 2010

March 2010

"Nobody knows as much as all of us"

About affections and emotions / fraternal community.

Conducted by: Jorge Holovatuck.

Date & Time: Friday, March 12 / 17:30 hs. to 20:30.

and Saturday March 13 / 10:00 hs. to 13:00.

Held Mary Chestnut Room. Tucumán 260.Centro tel: 0 351-4235529

Information and registration: Mary Chestnut Room. Tucumán 260.Centro

tel: 0 351-4235529

Free Seminar, Space is limited.

To: Ta.Te.Ti the actors to which they may add up all those who have special interest and commitment to the proposal, teachers Theatre and related subjects, students of Theatre and Actors in teaching practice.

About the workshop:

About possible ways of implementation of affection and emotions

"Towards the construction of permanent reunion"

The proposal for this second meeting is to work on the possibility of a scaffold affects and values, methods and concepts, to establish appropriate conditions for the development of own label, zonal, identity, trademark.

The challenge focuses on work to capture emotions and conceptualize, capture them on paper and subject them to be towards a greater number of issues when to produce language. Work on the inner world and the collective itself, rescuing the child and dwelt within us, to strengthen links with our future recipients. But above all, build a legacy counsel of a possible route through this part of the infinity of the theatrical.

In this second meeting attendance, which may add new interest in the subject, it will give depth to what worked with previous participants, practicing driving "in situ" of the proposals developed and experiencing the same, giving closure to the assistance, opening avenues of research possible, and to sum up: Evaluate ( lubricate and processes ).