Monday, March 29, 2010

Wording Invitations To Pay For Your Own Meal

to think the crisis feminist


Images to think the crisis

(Education, documentary film and citizenship)

This seminar is a continuation to that developed in February 2007 (Education, Documentary Film and citizenship) , where he introduced Euro-Latin American Network Citizen Communication (RECC). In this case, we try to analyze the questions that the scenario of crisis (in its many facets: social, environmental, urban, economic, etc ....) Launches the relationship between communication and education and what kind of responses are being implemented within the framework of social and academic thinking.

This edition will address the possibilities of social and political documentaries such as cognitive resources to address transdisciplinary way in the social sciences different problem processes derived from int ensificación a crisis situation uncertain journey. Paying attention to the growing centrality of mediation processes in the construction-deconstruction of narrative and social imagination, as key elements for understanding the multiple dimensions of the crisis and the alternatives that are being implemented against them.

Following the line of work of the RECC educommunicative work in terms with the social documentary film (mainly Latin American and English) will be one of the cornerstones of work. Appearing in some of the work sessions the resources developed by the team at the RECC , and the collection of documentary films initiated by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), attempts to strengthen transdisciplinary reflection orientation to innovative teaching, undoubtedly the key to implement in the field of university education in the context of implementation of European funds is the need to organize content and skills systematically.

Dates: 12 to 14 April 2010. 50 seats

Teacher of the activity: Ariel Jerez. UCM and RECC, Tomas Rodriguez Villasante. UCM, Pablo Iglesias Turrión. UCM, Susana Sel. UBA, Maria Luisa Ortega. UAM, Carlos Taibo. UAM, Yayo Herrero. CCEIM-FGUCM, Alfredo Ramos. Garua S. Coop. Mad and RECC, Jaume Roures. MEDIAPRO, Emilio Silva. ARMH.

Coordinators: Ariel Jerez (UCM) and Alfredo Ramos (UCM)

Registration: Send registration form to Ariel Jerez: arieljerez @ cps . and Alfredo Ramos:

Registration fee: Free .

Registration Form: ~ pablo / papers / ficha_seminario_documentales.doc

2 free credits (pending recognition)

Organizers: voice network, Euro-Latin American Network of Citizens Communications, The Advocate.

Some of the topics: Building images, imaginary construction. Thinking the crisis from the media and educational documentaries. Social movements and political communication. Documentary practices, social knowledge and social science education. Educommunicative resources and alternatives to the ecological crisis. Fiction and documentary: new strategies in building participatory processes. Communication and Power. Documentary, memory and human rights.

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program and detailed schedule


Afternoon: 16:00 to 16:30 Presentation of the Conference .

Ariel Jerez. Political science professor Complutense University of Madrid. Member of the Foundation Contaminate , promoter Euro-Latin American Network of Citizens Communications (RECC) and coordinator of the "Documentary to understand globalization."

Alfredo Ramos: PhD in Faculty of Political Science, member of Garoua S. Coop. Mad., promoter Euro-Latin American Network of Citizens Communications (RECC) and coordinator of the "Documentary to understand globalization."

16:30 to 18:15: Panel: Building images, imaginary construction. Thinking the crisis from the media education and documentaries .

Presentation of the table. Ariel Jerez (moderator).

Social Movements and Political Communication. new cognitive maps.

Susana Sel: Coordinator of the Working Party Mediated Communication, Informational Capitalism and Public Policy "American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO.

documentary practices, social knowledge and social science education.

Maria Luisa Ortega: Ph.D. in Film History. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Debate with the public.

18:15 to 18:30. Rest.

Workshop I. educommunicative Resources and innovations in documentary production.

18:30 to 20:00

In this first workshop will discuss on the issues raised in the roundtable and presentation of the conference using as test materials selected productions in the First Latin American Competition Documentary "Other Viewpoints. Experiences of self-organization and social struggles in Latin America "organized by CLACSO and axes working group's recent" Mediated Communication, Informational Capitalism and Public Policy "of that organization.


Tomorrow 10:30 to 14:30.

Roundtable: Crisis decrease environmental proposals

10:30 to 10:45: Presentation of the round table. Alfredo Ramos (Moderator)

10:45 to 11:15

A breakdown of the dominant imaginary. The proposed decrease.

Carlos Taibo, Professor of Political Science at the University Autónoma de Madrid. Author of In Defense of decline: Capitalism, Crisis and Barbarism and Its Crisis and ours: A pamphlet on decline, tragedy and farce, Editorial Cataract.


New ways of thinking about the relationship between society and environment: Ecofeminism and decline.

Herrero Yayo: Knowledge Area Coordinator Outreach Network and the Centre for Studies and Complutense Environmental Information System (CCEIM), and a member of Garoua S. Coop. Mad.

11:45 to 12:15

public debate

12:15 to 12:30. Rest.

Workshop Work II: educommunicative Resources and alternatives to the ecological crisis.

12:30 to 14:30

energized by the team of the RECC in this workshop will present the materials developed by the team within the axis creating alternatives to the ecological crisis "as a basis for discussing the relationship between educommunicative strategies and themes raised in the discussion table.

Afternoon: 16:30 to 20:30

Roundtable: Democracy and citizen participation

16:30 to 16:45: Presentation of the round table. Ariel Jerez (moderator)

16:45 to 17:15

What we imagine when we talk about participatory democracy?

Tomas Rodríguez Villasante: Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science (UCM), director of the Centre PEAKS. Advisor to numerous public participation experiences in Spain and Latin America.

17:15 to 17:45

fiction and documentary. New strategies in the construction of participatory processes.

Alfredo Ramos, Coordinator of the working group "image as a communication tool and participatory International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (OIDP).

17:45 to 18:15. Public debate

18:15 to 18:30.


Workshop III: Resources educommunicative and new democracies.

18:30 to 20:30

energized by the team of the RECC in this workshop will present the materials developed by the team within the axis movements , citizenship and participatory democracy "as a basis for discussing the relationship between educommunicative strategies and themes raised in the discussion table.


Morning: 10:30-14:30

Roundtable: Communication and Power

10:30 to 10:45. Presentation of the table. Alfredo Ramos (chair).

10:45 to 11:15

Public policies, disputes and alternative communication.

Susana Sel: Coordinator of the Working Party Mediated Communication, Informational Capitalism and Public Policy "American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO.

11:15 to 11:45

New public areas, innovations in audiovisual production and the democratization of communication.

Ariel Jerez: Professor of Political Science Complutense University of Madrid.

11:45 to 12:15. Public debate.

12:15 to 12:30 Break

Workshop IV: educommunicative Resources for media analysis areas.

12:30 to 14:30

energized by the team of the RECC in this workshop will present the materials developed by the team within the axis areas democratization of media and communication " as a basis for discussing the relationship between educommunicative strategies and themes raised in the discussion table.


Afternoon: 17:00 - 20:00 [Intersection with the course of political cinema ]

Roundtable and projection. Memories transition and human rights

Presentation of the table. Pablo Iglesias (moderator)


Emilio Silva, sociologist, journalist and founder of the Association by Recovery of Historical Memory .

Jaume Roures: Entrepreneur of the communications and film producer.

MEDIAPRO President

The projection

permanent revolta; of Danish Lluís Llach Lluís


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