Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Character At Tokyo Disney


By Gilda Matos

My conclusions on various issues of anthropology and my views on important issues from an anthropological point of view and great artistic significance are relevant to the formation of a historian and art critic:

art and anthropology are closely related. Art is a human expression of a sensitive nature, social and fundamental part of culture. Anthropology is the study of man (and woman) in the biological and culture, in this sense takes as its object of study of artistic expression, to define the style of life characteristics of man's and woman for a time or historical period. In the study of anthropology of art form is a fundamental element to characterize the artistic expressions of culture.

The main purpose to investigate an object related to human action are: The Objectivity, which is not mere abstract belief, but is in a perspective beyond the values \u200b\u200bof society or group to which he belongs the researcher. Physical experience is privileged. Wholeness, trying to find a form common to the various manifestations of social life. Significance is the most important of all, they are the meaning of personal relationships and links between individuals make real significant sets, and the interpretation or meaning of the observer. Criterion of Authenticity , contribution of anthropology to the vision of contemporary societies, which in many cases are genuine, often, not privileged relationships through contact lived in these cultures, while primitive societies are totally authentic.

The relationship and distinction of Anthropology and Sociology , I could see that the confusion comes because both societies studied, but from a different perspective: Sociology examines from the point of view of the viewer and society. Try to make social science from the observer. While anthropology tends to produce social science from the observed. Click the object to include the observer's society. Includes ethnographic experience. About

sociological indicators in Sociology Aesthetics, is recognizing the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bsociologizing perspective, taking into account both the consumption and distribution, in addition to the aesthetic preferences changing each time. sociology examines the relationship between art and society. The Theater, theater theatrical practice is eminently social, el. Theater allows to establish links between aesthetics, social life and the fabric of collective existence. The aspects to be considered is the functional relationship with the style of the work and social frameworks. Music is a cultural asset that builds and acquires exchange value. The development of sound production is the raw material of musical creation. Has aesthetic value and cultural value to the past and present. Architecture, analysis functions and architectural features of the property, taking into account the meanings taken by the man on the habitability of space. painting, analyzes the work of art, responding to a society and a particular time, look into how each artist's style is particularized as a form of expression.

Primitive Art, is to reconstruct and interpret human action in the aesthetic field of more than twenty centuries, the art of primitive peoples does not refer to nature or convention. Refers to the supernatural. Features include: the stylization, symbolism, representing the body, displacement of the details, the symmetry drawn, among others.

The cultures of Mesoamerica , were the focus of pre-Hispanic civilization civilizations: Olmec, Totonac, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, and Maya made great advances in astronomy, writing and art. The beauty of these cultures is based on a set of religious rituals and myths. Symbolism was one of the main features of the aesthetics of these cultures. Its architecture was monumental and intimately linked with the sculpture. The material was used by all the stone. In his ceramic designs and geometric motifs were not designed for artistic purposes. Here we see that art served as an expression of supernatural.

In short, art and anthropology are closely related can not be separated in the analysis of works of art .. ..


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