Monday, January 3, 2011

Template Community Service Letter

Complutense Diploma in consulting, technical and social analysis of political change processes

On Monday January 10 deadline will be opened for registration at the Complutense Diploma in consulting, technical and social analysis processes of political change.

The award, sponsored by the Foundation Center for Political and Social Studies (CEPS) and Promotora critical thinking will have a classroom teaching 220 hours, the afternoon (2 sessions of 2 hours each) from March to May, Monday Thurs. Management has applied for recognition of 20 ECTS.

The faculty is composed of political scientists, sociologists, lawyers and economists, among whom are also directors, Xabier Arrizabalo, Heriberto Cairo, Inigo Errejón, Worship Guaman, Ariel Jerez, Secundino Gonzalez Bibiana Medialdea, Juan Carlos Monedero, Manuel Monereo, Alberto Montero Soler, and Roberto Serrano Araceli Viciano, among others.



If you would like any additional information you provide in this document may write an email to the following address:

ORIENTATION COURSE The course is aimed at graduates, professionals and students from last year career in the field of social sciences (political scientists, sociologists, economists, journalists, lawyers, anthropologists, historians, etc.).. PLACES

Sleeps: 35

total price: 1,400 €. SCHOLARSHIPS

two scholarships will be offered for 80% of the amount of tuition and two scholarships for 50% of the amount of tuition.


The total duration of the course is 221 hours.

The course directors has applied for recognition of 22 ECTS credits are still pending. REGISTRATION DEADLINES

opening date of pre-registration deadline: Monday, January 10, 2011.
closing date of the pre-registration deadline: Monday, February 14, 2011.


On Friday, February 18, 2011 will publish the list of admitted and excluded as well and the allocation of scholarships.

The Course Coordinator will communicate by e-mail to everyone concerned the outcome of their application.



Consulting, Technical Support and

Analysis Social Process of Political Change

Block I: Approaches and Methodological Models Social Analysis

39 sessions

I.1. Constituent levels and processes of the social and epistemological theoretical models of reference for the construction and analysis of social reality: causal explanation of the facts, significant comprehension of discourse, the hermeneutic interpretation of motivations. (4 sessions I.1 / 1, I.1 / 2, I.1 / 3 and I.1 / 4)

I.2. Behaviorist and functionalist theories . Levels of observation and analysis, behavior and deeds. Behavioral theories. Structural-functionalist theories: Durkheimian paradigm. Of behaviors and events to the DTOs, the production of data on the socio-political research. (2 sessions. I.2 / 1 and I.2 / 2)

I.3. Theories of interpretation: psychoanalytic models. The first Freudian. The contradictions of consciousness as baseline data, symptoms, dreams and slips. The concept of investiture: representations and affects. Approaching drive concept: the psychic representative of instinct. The mechanism of repression: repression primary and secondary repression. The structure of the psyche: the unconscious, preconscious and consciousness. The unconscious formations. Psychoanalytic interpretation: the words, language and speech. The unconscious and the imaginary. (3 sessions: I.3 / 1, I.3 / 2 and I. 3 / 3)

I.4. Theories of meaning: linguistic and semiotic models models . The problem of the Saussurean sign. Conception the sign, signifier / signified. Opposition language / speech: language as a system of values. The foundation of semiotics: speeches, texts and contexts . Texts and contexts: for a pragmatic language. Pragmatics of semiotic analysis. (3 sessions: I.4 / 1, I.4 / 2 and I.4 / 3)

I.5. Theories of ideology. Genesis of the concept of ideology of the Enlightenment Marx. The reformulation of ideology in context of historical materialism, the critique of ideology in Marx. Contemporary theoretical perspectives on the ideology of functionalism to cultural anthropology. Marxist perspectives. Pragmatic ideological analysis: levels of observation and analysis: collective identities, interests and conflicts, ideological interpretation levels: level conscious, preconscious and unconscious. Pragmatic ideological analysis: a case. (3 sessions: I.5 / 1, I.5 / 2 and I.5 / 3)

II. Analysis social reality: methodological approaches and research strategies.

II.1. The false problem of objectivity: strategic horizon of research and methodological perspectives choice. The researcher as a social subject in process. Subjectivity and reflexivity. Reference methodological perspectives. Positions and attitudes basic methodological research process partner Jan: etic perspective and emic perspective. These analytical and dialectical perspective. Synchronic and diachronic perspective. A quantitative and qualitative perspective. (2 sessions: II.1 / 1 and II.1 / 2)

II.2. The process of social research as a process of production of information material. The issue of representation in the research design. The previous hypotheses. The statistical representation and structural models. The measure in the social sciences. (1 session: II.2 / 1)

II.3. Techniques and empirical practices and particular contexts of information production: the qualitative perspective.

symbolic universe and qualitative designs. Previous assumptions: social structure and discourse models. The primary research design: structural criteria and choice of relevant techniques. Texts and speeches side: the selection of the corpus.

Techniques and practices of reference: discussion group, life history, the open interview.

Preparation and processing of information: analysis of texts and speeches. Levels of analysis: word, text, speech. Global perspective and articulation plurality of pragmatic dimensions of meaning. Traditions of analysis, categories and analytical tools. The analysis work.

(10 meetings: II.3 / 1, II.3 / 2, II.3 / 3, II.3 / 4, II.3 / 5, II.3 / 6, II. 3 / 7, II.3 / 8 and II.3 / 9 + 1 session for the celebration of a group)

II.4. Techniques and empirical practices and particular contexts of information production: The quantitative perspective.

The statistical model: epistemological value. The basic concepts of statistical model. General theory of sampling: simple random model. Estimated error margins. Confidence levels. Sample types and sample design criteria. The statistical survey sampling. Planning and construction of the questionnaire: formation of research hypotheses from the perspective of the statistical models provided. Research development. Statement to investigators. Planning and organization of field work. Information processing: pre-coding and tabulation. Preparation and processing of information: How formal statistical analysis of results. Criteria for analysis: from the frequency table to the relationships between variables. Analysis of data from the coded logic: analysis of contingency tables, regression, factor and cluster. Analysis of data from the relational logic: correspondence analysis and nonmetric analysis. (9 sessions: II.4 / 1, II.4 / 2, II.4 / 3, II.4 / 4, II.4 / 5, II.4 / 6, II.4 / 7, II.4 / 8 and II. 4 / 9)

II.5. A test of integration of quantitative and qualitative perspectives. respective specificity of quantitative and qualitative. Unarticulated complementarity of both perspectives. Joint trial. final global perspective: the research report as an attempt at dialectical synthesis.

(2 sessions: II.5 / 1 and II.5 / 2)

Block III: Geopolitics and International Relations

20 sessions

III.1. world system. Development and underdevelopment. The dependency theory and world-systems analysis. Tripartite geographical structures -World Economy: The Center, the periphery and the semi . Policies scales: global, state and local levels.

III.2. The operation of the interstate system . Hegemonic powers in world political history and cyclical dynamics. The World Order, Imperialism and the U.S. role. The crisis of American hegemony.

III.3. World Wars as structuring devices geopolitics. British geopolitics (Mackinder and the theory of "continental heart.") German geopolitics of living space and the policies of the Third Reich. Colonialism.

III.4. Globalization and uneven development . Neoliberal globalization and reconfiguration of the powers of the state. Imperial or post-imperialist sovereignty. Sovereign supranational organizations. Financialization of the economy and flexible production. Knowledge economies.

III.5. global political struggles. Anti-systemic movements in the history of world politics: the state as the key to political action. Labor unrest from a world-historical perspective. National liberation struggles.

III.6. Postmodernism and Identity political and territorial . The debate on the construction of political identities in postmodernity. The "new" nationalisms, ethnic identities and processes of globalization. Place and politics.

Block IV: Political Economy

20 sessions

IV.1. capitalist economic dynamics: accumulation, profitability and crisis. Fundamentals of capitalist accumulation. Contradictions of the accumulation process: the crisis. Historical development of the capitalist economy. Today's global economy: crisis and adjustment.

IV.2. macroeconomic analysis. Analysis of supply. Demand analysis. Distribution income. The external sector. Financial Macroeconomics. Indicators and data sources, analysis techniques

IV.3. Economic policy. The state's role in the economy. Fiscal policy. Monetary policy. Exchange rate policy. Other areas of economic policy (incomes policy, industrial policy ...)

IV.4. Economic growth , development and underdevelopment. Theories of development. Historical formation of underdevelopment. The center-periphery divide in the global economy.

IV. 5. Structure and dynamics of underdevelopment: the structural constraints to economic development. The accumulation process in developing economies: a multidimensional process. Low productivity and poor storage capacity. Structural problems demand: investment and consumption. Extreme polarization in the distribution of wealth and income. Insufficient domestic savings and external dependence.

IV.6. development strategies and policies I. historical Strategies of Development: Import Substitution Industrialization, Industrialization Export Oriented , Neoliberalism, Endogenous Development. Dimensions development policies: land reform, industrial policy, trade and finance, health and education. The economic policies of the leftist governments in Latin America.

IV.7. Strategies and policies II: economic integration. economic integration processes, procedures and historical references. Areas of integration: production, trade, financial and monetary system. Latin American experiences of economic integration (NAFTA, MERCOSUR, ALBA, SUCRE ...)

Block V. political transformations

(9 sessions)

V.1. The confusion of the era and the dissolution of 'markers certainty " . Crisis of capitalism, the nation-state and modernity. The staff of the political positions: the overflowing of the boundaries of the neoliberal policy paradigm.

V.2. Towards a theory of political behavior: neurobiology, primatology and paleoanthropology in the search for complex human nature .

V.3. The social construction of political reality . Western Colonisation of knowledge.

V.4. Globalization and complexity of the political crisis . Political parties and social movements to understand convicted, sentenced to face.

V.5. Governmentality versus legitimacy: the responsibility of the peoples and government responsibility . The "crisis of democracy " of the Trilateral as the maximum program of neoliberal reconstruction. The reconstruction of politics as conflict.

V.6 . Traps and potentials of governance . The selectivity of power in times of globalization. Quality of political institutions, awareness building, media and quality of democracy.

Block VI. Electoral Studies.

(7 sessions)

V.1. Electoral systems. Main components of electoral systems: frames census districts, formulas, types of lists, chamber size, exclusion thresholds. modalities disproportionation and cross effects arising from the electoral systems. (2 sessions: I.1 / 1 and I.1 / 2)

I.2. Prospects for the analysis of electoral behavior. electoral geography. Diachronic analysis and context analysis. Structural and economic models. Rational voting, economic voting, strategic voting. (1 Session: I.2 / 1)

I.3. Election campaigns. marketing input in the field of electoral competition. Building tools of information used in election campaigns: the rhetoric of persuasion. The results of past elections and polls. The use of quantitative surveys in campaigns election. The organization of the campaign. Types of campaigns and basic tools of the campaigns. (2 sessions: I.3 / 1 and I.3 / 2)

I.4. Supranational bodies involved in election observation. electoral observation missions. Observation Protocols: EU, OAS, UN. (2 sessions: I.4 / 1 and I.4 / 2)


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