Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nintendo Product Registration

Narrative Painting and Stages Performing

(Exercise Dramaturgistico, Fabulous the Tale II)

1-The Waste Land 9-Zure
Bella Women Birth Rite 2-10 - Women
3-The CaserĂ­a 11-The Lover-Magician-
Wai-4-12-The Beginning of the boat in Bodega
5-The Two Journeys - 13Edjag , Black Sun's Daughter
6-Memories 14-The Secrets of Nature
7-The Real 15-The Witch, Bringer of Wisdom
8-The Slave 16 - La Ruta del Sol
From This dramatic structure, we set our creative adventure training, research and spatiality stage.

The actress first center rigorous psychophysical training, where he faced to its limits, challenging new findings against his own body resistance and interpretive skills.

unexpected wealth in the process of searching and finding creative, we explored different ways of improvisation analogue approach, partnerships and distance from the text, accumulating spatial sequences, hand signals, equivalents symbolic, poetic objects, sensations associative and mixed feelings.

With all the budget materials and media available, and hybridized dormant in the body-psyches of the actress, is then officiate our aesthetic imagery, we act handmade fun and spectacular construction, our commitment and staging of "Ooniia or the Ruta del Sol".

Miguel Ramirez
Director Theatre Crafts The


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