Ooniia or path of the sun
legend Magic could well be an authentic narration, oral memory strength of slavery passed from generation to generation until today. The same is the story of a woman slave, queen, witch and wise that a people lost in the uncertainty of a long dark night, looking for the longed-for return to earth, the home sweet milk, honey and freedom.
Ooniia La Ruta del Sol is a tribute to the roots and freedom, life and beauty shows, even in the most dire of human circumstances: the uprooting and enslavement. Ooniia narrates the most beautiful passages and abominable of women of African descent energy and its importance, traveling hand in hand with their ancestors for dream stages, the mysteries of knowledge and the secret forces of nature.
terrible fit and sexy in Ooniia describes the random misfortunes of her life with other slaves, evoking secrets, uncovering ancient mysteries and knowledge sharing, burning delight with their lovers, misfortune of an inhuman and endless journey through the sea, the longing to reunite with their families, their land, their roots and the supreme desire for freedom.
Ooniia Route happens on an amazing journey through parallel stages, which transmigrate in a time-memory space transhumance dream which the senses. Miguel Ramirez
Theatre Crafts
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